Hawaii has been celebrating Obon for many years in the form of a festive Bon Odori or Bon Dance. There are many Buddhist temples in Hawaii and each summer from June through August many of them have Bon Dances on the weekends. The local community anxiously waits for the Bon Dance schedule to come out. Hard to believe that this summer there are over 30 Bon Dances just in Honolulu! The festivities are fun for the whole family. There’s plenty to eat, many traditional Japanese food, and you can practice your bon dance to the music and beat of the drums.

The Koganji Temple Bon Dance was held on Friday and Saturday, August 1st and 2nd from 5:30 to 10:30 P.M. at 2869 Oahu Avenue in Manoa Valley. This beautiful temple is located on the slopes of Manoa Valley. There’s a large parking lot on the top and as you walk down you will see the main temple. And that is where the Bon Dance is held.

And the offerings include andagi (Okinawan donuts), chichidango (sweet rice cakes) and plate lunches. So local!

The landscape is immaculate and the gardens are heavenly.
There are many temples in Hawaii and many other bon dances but somehow the Manoa Koganji Temple makes you fee l spiritual and refr eshed. Perhaps it is due to itslocation and the total atmosphere of the surroundings.
A commencement prayer is read as members bow their heads.And then the Bon Dance begins!
Participants wear yukata (cotton kimono) and happi (happi coats) and dance around the yagura which is a high wooden scaffold/bandstand where the musicians and singers perform their Obon music. The dance steps are quite easy to learn for each of the songs. Usually the Bon Dance association members who have been dancing each year will teach the other participants and repeat the dances so that everyone can practice. It is really a lot of fun. I

The Pokemon Dance

The Bon Dance season during Hawaii’s summer is a cultural event that you won’t want to miss.