
The 16th Annual Honolulu Festival is a huge success.

What a wonderful event! All the workers, performers and volunteers worked for a year to make this past weekend a huge success. And it was. Of course my opinion is quite subjective. How should we measure it objectively? By numbers of participants? Numbers of attendees at the Hawaii Convention Center? Numbers of attendees at the other venues? At the Parade? Economical impact on our state? All of that I suppose. But the most important thing is how the Festival impacted each and every one of us personally. Kinda priceless, don't you think? Lots of hard work was put into this year's Festival. Organizers must evaluate all of it in the next few weeks. And then it is time to roll up our sleeves and start working on the 17th! Gee, I wonder what the theme will be for next year? Yes, so much to think about. But for this week...let's relax and enjoy our success! Aloha.

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