
Mahalo to our Sponsors!

December 2008 is coming to an end. It is hard to believe that it will be 2009 in a few days. So much has happened this year and we are all anxious for a prosperous new year. Here at the Honolulu Festival headquarters we will be counting down the days to the 15th Annual Honolulu Festival. We have only three more months to organize our event! So much to do and so little time. And yet all of the volunteers and staff are taking it in stride and feeling very good about the day to day happenings. And one of the reasons for this positive attitude is because of the kindness of our sponsors. It is through the support of our sponsors that we are able to continue our festival.

The Honolulu Festival Foundation will be featuring our wonderful sponsors on our official website. We thought that it would be nice to not only profile their organization but also to highlight some of the things each sponsor does to support our local community. The new “Sponsor Page” is one way for the Honolulu Festival to show our appreciation…a big mahalo.

Here is a picture of our staff interviewing the Director of Customer Experience and Community Relations of Hawaii Superferry…on board the Superferry. Please look forward to our series of articles featuring our sponsors. Aloha.

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