

A new event that was quite a big hit with the kids at our last Honolulu Festival in March was the Ennichi Corner, food and game stalls that go along with the Matsuri or Festivals in Japan. One of our main objectives each year is to share traditional customs of Japan with our spectators. Ennichi Corner was exactly that. This was a replica of a typical Japanese Saint’s Day Festival normally held in many places in Japan, quite common during the summer. I realize that this is new to many people and it is quite difficult to compare the authenticity of a real Ennichi in Japan to the one at the Honolulu Festival. Of course the best way to compare them is to go to Japan and attend a real Ennichi. But next to that is to share some pictures that were taken at the Ennichi that was held in Omuta, Kyushu during the Omuta Daijayama Festival in July.

This is what our 14th Annual Honolulu Festival “Ennichi Corner” looked like. It was created at the Hawaii Convention Center and was well attended by children and families of Hawaii and abroad. A huge success!

Okay, now let’s compare ours to an authentic Japanese Ennichi.

First of all。。Here’s an authentic water yoyo hooking game. (right)

And this is the same game replicated at Honolulu Festival’s Ennichi Corner. (left)

Next, the authentic goldfish scooping game.

Honolulu Festival’s goldfish game.

A typical lottery drawing booth in Japan.The whole world loves Hello Kitty! (left)

And here is Honolulu Festival’s prizes, all from Japan. (right)

These are all pictures taken at Ennichi in Japan.

So many Matsuri activities!

Here are pictures from the 14th Annual Honolulu Festival Ennichi Corner.

Pretty authentic, don’t you think?

Please look forward to Ennichi Corner at our 15th Annual Honolulu Festival next year. We hope to expand on our concept and excite our local attendees and visitors! Aloha.

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