
New designs for Honolulu Festival eco bags

As I had mentioned in an earlier blog, we are in the process of setting up online shopping for Honolulu Festival logo goods. Soon, we promise. But in the meantime I would like to introduce some of the new designs for our eco bags.

These examples are just a few of the designs that we have created.
We are planning on having different designs, colors and sizes. So what do you think, have you found anything that suits your fancy?

We are planning on using these eco bags as give aways for our special promotions as well. Don’t forget we will be giving away prizes at our Ennichi Corner for game winners at the Hawaii Convention Center during the festival and these eco bags will be part of the prizes.

We have also designed some T-shirts to go along with these bags.

Pretty neat! Please look forward to our online shopping program. Aloha!

Honolulu Festival Foundation

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